Thoughtful Instructional Data Solutions

Ponder provides multiple services for educational institutions including Ponder Paper, a smart student work scanning system and an instructional data warehouse, the Ponder IDW.


active students


K-12 schools


cities in NY, NJ, MA

Ponder Instructional Data Warehouse (IDW) is built on PostgreSQL, dbt and Apache Airflow to ensure reliable fresh data.

Ponder IDW Integrations:

Instructional Data
Warehouse (IDW)

A robust data warehouse system with built-in visualization and audit tool. Ingest, manage, and publish instructional data from multiple source systems in one place.

Ponder Paper

A smart scanning system for digitizing, viewing, and sharing student work. Each assessment is printed with a custom QR code with embedded student information, enabling automatic filing of scanned student work by student, assessment, question, and response.


Scan & Analyze Student Work
on Ponder Paper

At 60 double-sided pages per minute, the Ponder Paper scanning system allows for digitizing written student work at scale. The scanned documents are filed in the cloud, accessible from anywhere.

Data Management Tools


Build custom web-based or Google Sheet based reports for your curriculum and instructional teams, administrators and teachers.


Add custom rules or leverage our rule library to flag data errors and support staff in the correction process.

School year roll-over management

Our tool suite streamlines administrative workflows like promotion/retention, section rostering and staffing.

Anthony Valentin, Stuyvesant H.S.

Emma Tsui, Lehman College-CUNY

Cason Given, Independent School

Awards and acknowledgement for our work

“…encourage class discussions and identify struggling students.”

“…a digital native technology that works in harmony with the internet.”

“…ability to quickly assess students’ engagement with the texts they have chosen…”

“…provides teachers and students with constant and concise…reports.”

“…a digital native technology that works in harmony with the internet.”

“…encouraging students to build more sophisticated and engaged news reading habits.”

Robin Hood College Success Prize Semi-Finalist